Monday, January 21, 2008

The Morally Licit & Illicit Brith Control Methods


By Eric V. Encina

In the regulation of human fertility, Pope John Paul II has clearly distinguished and outlined the two opposing methods of birth control: the Catholic Church’s morally licit method which is interchangeably called the natural method and anti-life/anti-family-based morally illicit method which is interchangeably called artificial method which is usually leading to life-killing methods.

Pope John Paul II has identified the first morally illicit method which is not only artificial in nature but also practically life-killing which he defined as “the direct interruption of the generative process already begun”. He also identified the second morally illicit method which is “direct sterilization” which is a direct violation of the natural law. The Pope has also defined the morally illicit action either before or after sexual contact which is intentionally intended for the prevention of human life. This is being done in the use of the artificial contraceptives now prevalent in the world today under the juggernauts of the imperialism of contraception obviously leading to culture of death.

The Question, Morality and Ethical Reasons of Morally Licit Methods:

The use of morally licit methods depends on the intention of the couples. To have recourse during infertile period is morally licit method however if this is done in pure love and the expression of marital love and act without sign of total rejection of possible transmission of human life. The couple can practice birth control through morally licit method in times of marital embrace during infertile period. But this should not be the major norm nor be abused when it is going to be the major purpose of the couples. It is very interesting to note here that the Pope has carefully, theologically and morally made essential difference between the morally licit and morally illicit methods with clarity and objectives. The morally licit method applies the right use of sex provided by nature. The difficulty and disorder arise when the couples use the morally illicit methods that usually obstruct the natural development of the generative process.

There is a clear distinction between the correct or proper application of fertile period as provided by nature and the improper use of artificial life-killing contraceptives to abortifacients—that also become business in terms of abortion industry with vast finance networks. The artificial contraceptives are know to be intrinsically and morally evil in nature and in its purpose and even in its effects. Some who have gone to such use of artificial contraceptives call this as intrinsically immoral and chemically deadly. Some couples make the mistakes by justifying the use of contraceptives as NECESSARY EVIL IN TIMES OF ECONOMIC AND MONEY PROBLEMS which are seemed to be pragmatically acceptable in the modern world but these do not mean there is a change of the morality of contraceptives. However, couples that practice morally licit methods in the regulation of fertility have separate other ethical problems that sometimes without valid or authentic reasons.

The Church and the Pope also instruct the couples even with seemed to be valid reasons to limit the fertility to respect the very integrity of the marital act for the sacredness of purpose of the transmission and procreation of human life and mission for the dignity of the family—which is the basic cell of society and of the civilization. Normally the natural regulation of fertility gives respect to the integrity of the marital act while artificial regulation of fertility violates it. The Pope has also presented the normative dimension with the involvement of moral principles and the observance of the divine law.

The Pope’s encyclical has also presented the normative pastoral aspects of the THEOLOGY OF THE BODY, the true dignity of man and woman with fundamental emphasis on the transmission of human life and the dignity and mission of the human family. The Theology of the Body has also taught clearly about the goodness of the human person created in the image of God. This is not just a new branch of the science of theology but actually divine command and demand that must be applied in the earthly off every man and woman for the sake of the eternal life.

I welcome comments, suggestions, correction.

Thank you very much for reading.

Eric V. Encina

Filipino Pro-life/Family/Justice Activist

Activism Center For Life, Family & Justice

c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite,

Km2. Brgy. Lawa-n, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz Province,

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