Dear Pro-life/family Friends:
Please consider to read this document if and when possible for you and then lease send us comments.
Thank you very much and remain us united in our prayers and holy works for life and family.
Long live and God bless Pro-lifers!
Sincerely yours in Christ for life,
Eric V. Encina
What is HB 3773?
1) SEC. 6.g – mandates all public and government hospitals to make ligation, the cheapest and most economical form of artificial contraception, be given for free to indigent mothers requesting it. Health workers such as doctors, nurses and midwives would be “compelled to use their persuasive ability, to the point of coercion, to let indigent mothers avail of ligation” (making it as the best solution to poverty)
Ø Catholic schools, hospitals, doctors, nurses, midwives, etc. are compelled to give sex education, artificial birth control against their will with threats that they will not be given their license if they fail to obey these requirements of DOH and DECS.
2) SEC. 10 – mandates Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education starting from Grade 5 up to Fourth Year High School . (10-17 years old).
Ø This violates their innocence. Study shows that classroom sex education stimulates children, removes modesty, destroys natural moral restraints, and may even trigger violence at later stages.
Ø It robs children of the liberty of enjoying their innocence and childhood. Exposing them to the topic of sex and sexuality will unnecessarily awaken their curiosity and trigger their fertile and wild imagination leading them to experimentation with undesirable consequences and promotes sexual promiscuity.
Ø Catholics are compelled to listen and comply with such education before they can graduate or avail themselves of any free health services for pregnant indigent women.
3) SEC. 12 – encouraging two (2) children as an ideal family size though not mandatory or compulsory but be given preference grant of scholarship up to college level.
Ø This reward system in effect will compel people to comply due to poverty. This said policy which was adopted by different countries like Canada , Japan , New Zealand , Singapore , in Europe , etc. now faces the problem of non-replacement of the old workforce of their society, thus compelling them to open their country to migration to immediately address this concern.
4) SEC. 16 – Any pregnant women can avail of any of the said sterilization and ligation and other legal and medically-safe health care services without the consent or authorization of the spouse. Any pregnant minor and abused minor based on the evaluation of DSWD could undergo the same medically-safe health care services without parental consent. Any public or private health care service provider, (hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses, midwife, etc.) who shall REFUSE:
a) to do voluntary sterilization (such as ligation, vasectomy, injectables, pills, IUD’s, etc.) and other legal and medically-safe health care services (in other words artificial contraceptive methods)
b) to give information or engage in willful disinformation with respect to reproductive health care and rights or similar medically-safe procedures on any person of legal age even without the consent of the third party.
c) To extend quality health care services and information on account of the person’s marital status, gender or sexual orientation, age, religion, personal circumstances, and nature of work.
d) (concerning hospitals and medical clinics) to administer appropriate medical treatment and support in emergency and serious cases due to religious grounds may be PENALIZED for the exercise of their religious beliefs.
Ø Children are encouraged to disobey their parent’s desire not to indulge in early and irresponsible sex under the guise of exercising their reproductive health right.
Ø When birth control does not work, and the mother has an unplanned pregnancy, abortions will follow.
Ø Disregarding “third party authorization” between couples or parent and child introduce the idea of “privacy” of information on “reproductive health care services.” This leads to the legalization of abortion in the USA .
5) SEC. 17 – violation of this Act shall be penalized by one (1) to six (6) months imprisonment and/or Php 20,000 depending on the discretion of the proper court.
Excerpts taken from TEODORA In Defense of the Authentic Woman and Speech of Ligaya B. Acosta, D.M.
Does artificial contraception prevent conception?
No. It does not prevent conception but it is a micro-abortion because according to Ligaya Acosta, D.M., former Regional Program Manager for Natural Family Planning for Eastern Visayas, these contraceptives cause constant inflammation and infection in the uterus causing newly conceived fetus not to be implanted in this kind of environment thus resulting in severe menstrual bleeding which is not ordinary blood, but a fetus being aborted.
Are all contraceptives abortifacients (will result in abortion when taken)?
Yes. All pills, IUD, injectables, tetanus toxoid and others are abortifacients. In an electronic microscope, it is shown that these make the endometrial lining and uterus dry and barren like a desert thereby preventing the eggs to be implanted in that kind of environment. Certain contraceptive devices like IUD’s, injectables, pills and others have been proven dangerous to women’s health, and at times even life-threatening.
Is it true that Philippines has been used as a guinea pig (human laboratory) for population control and contraceptives were promoted as a condition for receiving foreign aids?
Yes, we were made guinea pigs since 1973. According to the book “The War Against Population” by Steven Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute based in the U.S. says, “The Philippines was one of the dozen countries named in a secret 1974 U.S. National Security Council Memorandum (NSSM 200) which made population control a weapon in the Cold War…urging the government in Manila to impose targets and quotas for their use on the people. In his article “A History of Abuse” it exposed that the USAID funds were disbursed when local governments fulfilled these quotas and used for building roads, buildings, and other projects.
Why is this bill Anti-God?
ANTI-GOD because God’s purpose of creating human beings is to populate Heaven as His adopted children if we passed His test in obeying His Will here on earth. Human beings are replacements of the Fallen Angels who failed their test, so Hell was made for them who rejected God’s Will. This HB 3773 or Ligtas Buntis blocks God’s act of creating more people who could and should go to Heaven. This is a direct insult and mockery to His Face and a direct challenge to Him to show His Power. (God would not allow Himself to be mocked forever)
To kill a sinful man but innocent of a crime is a great offense. To kill a baby who is innocent of any personal sin is a greater offense. To kill the unborn baby by their very parents, who have not just the right, but the duty and obligation in the Eyes of God, to bring forth God’s image into life; with a God-given duty to protect, to guide, to rear and to help them go to their final destiny and that is Heaven, is even a far greater offense. The guardians of life become, by this Bill, the destroyers of life.
Every act you make in the creation of a Human Life is an act that demands a RESPONSIBILITY. Such act is reserved for a Holy Action made only by the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony. This is the reason why man has to wait that God would bless such union before the action so that both the parents will be given all the graces they need to be able to fulfill such Divine work of bringing their children back home to their true Father who is in Heaven. Any failure, direct or indirect, omission or commission, neglect or excess work, will be answerable by both parents in their failure to do this sublime duty to their children. Therefore, married or unmarried couples have the duty to protect the life of their child from the beginning of conception until the age of majority or adulthood. Failure of parents to fulfill such sublime vocation shall render them liable under a heavy and serious responsibility to God’s justice at the end of their lives, that as if they escape it also here on earth.
Is preventing pregnancy the free right of mankind, most especially of women?
No. No human being has the power of creating any man but it is the singular privilege of God since He is the Ultimate and Sole Creator of Everything which gives Him the right to demand the fulfillment of His purpose and that is God’s Glory through His Will. Mankind was the only being privileged by God to share in this sublime power and that is why we become pro-creators. There are couples who never had a child. Some have one, two, etc. children. This is true because giving life is God’s choice and His work. In other words, farmers plant but God make it grow. Man does the act but God decides what to give or not give. The great work of being bearers of the Image and Likeness of God was given to women. So when parents, especially mothers, would take upon themselves the action of procreation and do not take up the responsibility of the result of such act shall be answerable to God for every lost child God would have entrusted to them to bring to Heaven.
Why do they not leave the right to each individual (parents or mothers) to decide what to do on these matters?
God’s law must be above man’s law. God has the sole right to give us what is right in order to fulfill the purpose of our creation. When a man obeys God, then he loves Him, therefore he goes to Heaven for it is the place reserved by God for those who love Him. When man disobeys God’s laws, then He has also reserved a place for those who did not love Him and that is Hell. Free Will is a gift from God for man to choose how high or low, how great or small he wants to be in Heaven. But God commanded, not requested, the 10 Commandments to be obeyed by man so that we don’t go to Hell. Therefore, disobedience to His Law does not mean God will still reward you in Heaven because He gave you your Free Will and so He must respect your decision even in your defiance. This is abuse of the Law of Love. No government law can usurp the duty and right of every man to do what their faith has taught them.
We know abortion is a mortal sin because we kill the fetus. In taking contraceptives, we do not kill babies in the womb, we just don’t allow them to fertilize, so why is it a big issue since there is no killing involved?
The primary purpose of marriage is procreation, second is the pleasure that the couple could enjoy. The act of union of a man and a woman was made by God to produce mankind to populate. Heaven not Hell. The pleasure was infused by God to that act in order for couples to bear and endure the sacrifice of such divine work of bearing forth children and bringing them till they reach their destiny. To prevent the fruit of such act and just doing it because of the pleasure is an animal nature. Mankind must rise above such defect due to sin. Remember we were made to do God’s Will not our own. To go against His Will has serious consequences.
Why does this Bill call God’s curse upon our nation?
In the Old Testament, to be barren or sterile is considered a curse from God because they did not have a chance to have in their lineage the future bearer of the promised Redeemer, the first born child of God. After Jesus was born, God wanted mankind to be reconciled with Him and He offered mankind to be adopted by Him as His children through the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. So every child Baptized can now be restored in the image and likeness of God, to be Christ-like, so he can be called the true son of God the Father. So any woman who decided not to bear a child without valid reason and use artificial means robs God of future children in Heaven. If you are a father and you wanted many children because you are very rich and you wanted to share your treasures and glory with your children and knowing someone kills your future children, what would you feel and do? Would he not trigger your anger and wrath? What then do you call the people who kill your children and go against your plan? Are they not called YOUR ENEMIES? What more with God who is our Father, whose purpose of creating us is for us to be with Him and be happy and be loved? By mocking, destroying, killing, preventing or being indifferent to God’s Will, we are making ourselves enemies of God. This is the very reason why there is a curse that is placed in the killing of an innocent baby. More so, if the mother kills the fetus who is a living human being, it becomes several time more serious and a greater evil in the eyes of God because the murderer is the mother who is expected to be the protectress of her fetus.
When the government makes a law that compels mothers to abort, or prevent conception through artificial means, the nation calls God’s curse to fall upon it. The government and that nation become an ENEMY of God. Not only individuals, but through that bill, the whole country is killing fetuses or preventing conception everyday, every minute, and every second. How many souls, how many deaths are there whose murderers are their very own mothers and fathers. To top it all, it is the government that compels them to kill their very own children. IF WE HAVE GOD AS OUR ENEMY WHO CAN DEFEND US? This is, when passed, will imprison good men who just wanted to have children. What a criminal government would we have even to imagine doing this!
What curse shall fall upon our nation?
When leaders of a country make laws offensive to God, He simply does not take it lying down, but He stands up to meet that challenge to His Divine Justice, and His Justice is terrible to encounter when it comes to punish us for our evil acts rather than to reward us for our good works. The curse of God in this case of abortion or artificial birth control is usually in the form of death of the citizens of a nation through plagues, famines, natural disasters or wars or all of the above. As if God was saying to them: “Since you want to control or reduce your populations against MY WILL, then I will help you reduce your population indeed, but in a manner against your will. Endure the curse I lay upon you for your evil acts.” Thus, famine, plague, or war, or all of them come upon that nation to reduce the population. In what manner you sin, in that matter you shall be punished.
Is this what you want? Shall we allow our government to call God’s curse upon our nation?
NEVER! If not, then we should not allow ourselves to be deceived and entrust the future of our children, our souls and our beloved country, the Philippines, to the hands of a few who are in power who do not understand or care to bother about the consequences of their action in this GREAT DEFIANCE AGAINST GOD’S LAW. Let us enlighten them by giving them this article and pray for their change of heart. If they do understand what they are doing, then we, as a nation, must ct against these few. We do not need roads, buildings, developments, progress, etc. in exchange for our souls. We do not need any material aid and modernization for our children and nation just to provoke the curse of God and in return we get plagues, famines and wars. NO. We must reject this DIABOLICAL BILL. In other countries, this was passed into law because this was part of the master plan of the Devil who manipulates the leaders of different nations. Our Blessed Mother said in Fatima that Satan reigns in the highest places and is regulating the course of events. Why can not the Philippines , being a small poor country, not avoid joining them just because we need their money? We become just another country that they can manipulate, coerce and pressure to follow their evil agenda in the guise of giving aids and loans for our development. NO. We do not need to follow the demands of our donors or debtors in the guise of helping us. We do not want to be ENEMIES OF GOD.
What are the agenda of the enemy of God?
The agenda of t he Antichrist are revealed in the book “Conspiracy against Life”. It is about destroying life in different forms and reducing the present world population to ¼ which is 2 Billion. The 6 Billion people will have to die in different ways like chemical, viricidal, bacteriological, conventional, nuclear warfares. Other ways include manipulated or artificial freak weathers to reduce food supply. The Cold War of killing the innocent has begun a long time ago, which is not even included in the account. The great battle has long begun but its climax is nearing the time of the Anti-Christ. The devil exactly knows God’s nature. As the forces of Hell provoke God’s anger in a severe manner, massive numbers of souls are being drawn to Hell by attacking the heart of the nation, which is the family. This is the greatest war being fought in our Modern Times. A cold war where the worldwide governments and our very own families are the criminals, perpetrators, and the guilty party to the greatest holocaust of All Times.
This Bill is Anti-Catholic Church or Anti-Christ.
Anti-Catholic Church because it is the Catholic Church that can only teach what God has given to Her – respect for life is of the unborn and the yet-to-be-born, since God is the Creator of all life. The book “Conspiracy Against Life” confirms this. There are certain organizations in the government and in private that were founded to neutralize or block the action of the Catholic Church to hell mankind in this life, but above all to make it into the next life, Heaven, for all eternity with God.
This Bill is Anti-Soul and Anti-Human.
The FIRST and highest purpose of existence of all creation is God’s Glory and the second highest purpose of our existence is eternal happiness with God in Heaven PROVIDED we do His Will while we are on earth. If we neglect to do His Will until or at the end of our lives, we will be condemned by Him and sent to Hell. Thus, we FAIL to attain our SECOND highest purpose of existence of being happy with Him forever in Heaven. So, this Bill works AGAINST our own highest good, because it prevents us from reaching Heaven and receiving eternal happiness from God. So, it is anti-soul and anti-human.
Can we go against these Giant countries and powerful world organizations?
Yes we can. We have God and His Mother on our side. What can they give us that does not belong to God? What harm can they do to our body that our Father in Heaven cannot provide and protect us if we only obey God’s Laws? Yes, they are powerful indeed, but NOT powerful against God. Against God, the word “Power” has no meaning. We believe in miracles. God can make them for us if we, as a nation ask our Heavenly Father to do so by the ever effective, time-tested means given to us as declared by Heaven to be used especially in these End Times, The Blessed Mother, through the Holy Rosary. To St. Dominic was given the propagation of the Holy Rosary because Mother Mary told him, “In the end, the world will be saved through the Holy Rosary and the Scapular.” Sis. Lucia said that there is no problem, so little or great, personal or global that the Rosary cannot solve. To another seer, God revealed that He has given more efficacy and power to the Holy Rosary to fight.
Is it true that we are now living in the End Times?
Yes, the End Times have come. Sis. Lucia of Fatima died last Feb. 13, 2005. Pope John Paul II said, “Sis. Lucia will see the beginning of the End.” What does this mean? The End has began since Lucia is now dead. “End Times” means the time of the Antichrist, the era of evil, the height of Sin and the reign of the Antichrist and his defeat and death. This means also the Mark of the beginning of the Era of Peace, the Era of Saints, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. End Times means the final of battle between Good and Evil, Satan and the Woman, Anti-christ and Christ, whose winner in the end is Jesus of course, who has His Mother Mary as the Woman who shall battle for His cause. (Gen. 3:15)
Many seers all over the world say the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will begin here in the Philippines , is this true?
Yes. In Fatima , Our Blessed Mother said, “In the End My Immaculate Heart will Triumph.” Please read the books, “Our Lady Speaks to her beloved priest” by Fr. Stefano Gobbi, “Thunder of Justice” by Flynn, “Mankind’s Final Destiny” by Howard Q. Dee. In these books are the different prophecies from different parts of the world pertaining to our time and declaring the Philippines to be the country where the Immaculate Heart will begin to Triumph. If the death of Sis. Lucia is the sign given by God that the beginning of the End Times has begun, then the sublime vocation of the Filipino people to fulfill this prophecy has begun too. Heaven has given the solution to the great problems of this world. It is the Blessed Mother by praying the Holy Rosary, the weapon of Heaven, to defeat Satan and His cohorts. There is no other solution but this, since our primary enemies are the evil spirits or demons. Heaven will prove it as She will use the Philippines to be an example throughout the world to show Her power over Satan and Her grandeur as our Queen and Mother. For God has given to Her the role to fight the greatest battle that ever will be in the history of Mankind. The greatest War of Good and Evil, the War of God’s Will and our will, the battle of love for God and love of the world. This is our mission. As the Blessed Mother addressed her faithful and beloved children through the different seers of the world, “Fight, children of the light, you who are few… Do not be afraid, for I will be with you always to win this great battle for the Glory of God and to save souls.”
What can we do now?
We invite all of you to join us in this battle for God, our country, our family and our souls by doing the following:
a) Multiply this article and send it to as many friends and groups as you can remember and according to your means. Let this article reach our congressman, senators, President, public officials.
b) Learn, study this well and talk about this to as many friends and groups as you can.
c) You can publish or send a copy to the local or national newspapers, radios and any tri-media offices.
d) Ask your parish priest, barangay leaders, Bishops, etc., to make massive signature campaign to petition the withdrawal of this Bill and send it to the office of the President. Swarm Malacañang with the voice of our signatures.
e) Make posters, streamers, leaflets, billboards, stickers bearing this message, any material will do. You can translate it in your own dialect and post it anywhere you think is best. Sample poster:
f) Send this article through fax machine, mail, and e-mail to any part of the country.
g) Text the same message as above and tell them to pass it on as much as they can afford until it covers the whole country and bombards our public officials about the curse they are bringing upon our nation should they pass this bill into law.
h) Invite everyone to join the call for prayer and penance made by our beloved Archbishop of Jaro, Msgr. Angel N. Lagdameo issued in his CIRCULAR LETTER No. 124/11/2005 that on May 13, Friday, the 88th anniversary of the Apparition of Mary at Fatima, by:
Ø Praying of the HOLY ROSARY and making and making a PROCESSION (with lighted candles if possible) from some starting points toward either the church or church plaza. (barefooted wherever possible).
Ø This may be done either in the early morning (Dawn Procession) or in the late afternoon (Evening Procession), depending upon what is appropriate for the Parish.
Ø Intentions are: “To WELCOME the NEW POPE with MARY, for the COUNTRY’S important concerns like the HB 3773 or Ligtas Buntis and fighting graft and corruption in governance.”
i) We will work FAST and pray ARDENTLY as one nation and one family of God our Father. We will fight for the Kingdom of God to reign in our hearts and our beloved country the Philippines . We fight now or never, give all or nothing. REMEMBER this: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
j) We can make this fight as soldiers and children of God, poor or rich, children and parents, no matter what your situation and age in life, we beg you, make a stand and fight for the cause of God, our country and ourselves. As soldiers of God we must prepare ourselves for this spiritual battle. How to prepare:
Ø Avail of the Holy Sacraments as often as you can, especially confession to a priest and Holy Mass and Communion.
Ø Pray daily the Holy Rosary and implore the Blessed Mother to help us in our needs.
“The Family that prays together, stays together.”
Ø Do not sin anymore. God is so much offended. Strive to keep the Ten Commandments of God always.
Ø For the love of God, do your duties with all your best, in whatever state of life you are.
Ø Offer and endure all the crosses God sends you together with all your weakness, your nothingness, your works, prayers, joys and sorrows. The way of the Cross and the Holy Sacraments are your stairway to Heaven.
Ø Pray daily to your Guardian Angels, all Angels and Saints, to help you in your daily duties.
Ø Recite the Exorcism prayer of St. Michael, the protector of our Church, at least once a day to drive demons from you and your home.
k) We need to unite in this effort to fight the devil that is taking control of our country and the world. We will show to the whole world that through unity of work and praying the Holy Rosary with all our hearts, we can conquer Evil in this world.
A person who shares in the sins of others in any of these ways is EQUALLY GUILTY and EQUALLY punishable in the eyes of God here on earth and in the next life these ways are by:
1) Command – ordering someone to do an evil act. “No government or person in authority can produce valid laws against the law of God.
2) Counsel – to advice or encourage someone to commit sin or continue in the plan to commit sin or to continue in the sin being committed already.
3) Praise/Flattery (means to praise excessively to his face, against one’s own conviction, for the sake of advantage) – to praise exactly or excessively someone in the sin he has committed or is still committing in order to encourage him to continue.
4) Silence – to neglect to speak out against an evil being done when one has the authority and duty to stop it.
5) Consent – to rejoice or give approval from ones heart in a sin committed by a person against another because one believes that the other person deserves that evil done to him.
6) Participation – One joins a person or group in the commission of a sin or crime by some form of cooperation.
7) Provocation – One arouses the sinful thoughts, feelings or passions of another without just cause.
8) Concealment – Is to hide or not reveal the truth about an evil act being done by someone, when the knower has the moral obligation to do his part to put a stop to the evil deed by speaking out to the pertinent authorities with the power to stop it.
“He who might prevent an evil deed and does not do so, is to blame for that deed.”
9) Defending or not punishing the evil done – This sin of omission is committed by someone in authority who knows that subject under him is doing something sinful and he has the authority and the duty to punish the evil done in order to put a stop to it and at the same time to discourage others from following that example.
“To leave a crime unpunished is to teach others to commit it.”
“The sin of the nation shall be visited upon its people if its citizens would not in any way prevent or correct an evil that is foreseen and can be stopped.”
God to glorify, Jesus to imitate, The Angels and Saints to invoke,
A soul to save, A body to mortify, Sins to expiate, Virtues to acquire, Hell to avoid,
Heaven to gain, Eternity to prepare for, Time to profit by, Neighbors to edify, The world to despise,
Devils to combat, Passions to subdue, and finally Death to suffer, and Judgment to undergo.
The Praying Army of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Phils., Inc.
Dominican Sisters of the Holy Rosary of the Philippines
Distributed and Forwarded by:
Eric V. Encina
Filipino Pro-life/Family/Justice Activist
Activism Center For Life, Family & Justice
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite,
Km2. Brgy. Lawa-n, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz Province,
Philippines my wife’s email
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
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