Tuesday, July 3, 2007



By Eric V. Encina & Reynalda A. Encina, Filipino Pro-life/family/justice Activists

There is a savage insanity and malaise at the heart of Filipino society, and government officials and politicians of furiously dividing political parties,are, alas, being hijacked by the crooked pro-death agenda and culture of death towards one direction of zero population growth via abortive population control programmes in the name of reproductive rights and health. Filipino politicians and candidates are almos tall pro-choice.

They are too silly to use and think,and are deceived into using massive population control as a means to tackle the problems relating to poverty.They can't think of anything noble for life because they smugly ignore and reject the real pro-life solutions and they do not know anything about how to protect the innocent human lives of poor unborn children, born children and families in thecountry sides from the anti-life cruelties of anti-life international agencies. They have no any platforms for promoting pro-life economic security for the poor families and children in poverty.

No Filipino Presidential, Senatorial, Congressional,Governatorial, Provincial Board Member, mayorial, and town or city counselor candidate of any existing political parties and party lists for the May 2007election mentions anything about the SACREDNESS OF HUMAN LIFE, about the heinous crime of abortion, about the enormous wastage of money for abortive population control programmes, about the victims of contraceptives, abortifacients because of side-effects. They do not mention anything about the Philippine Constitutional prohibition of abortion orabout family rights, the protection of the innocents and the Government's duty to support the poor families. No one mentions or exposes anything about the role of the international anti-life agencies in controlling and manipulating Filipino population by life-destroying-killing programmes.

No one dares to mention the IMF-WB population control harsh conditions to the Philippines to obtain interest-bearing loans. No one proposes to end abortive population control programmes in the Philippines. And no one dares to challenge the funders of population control programmes based in the Western countries.Some know about pro-life proposals and solutions but because their names are in danger in the face of the threats of anti-life financiers and funders, and they fear of being smeared and ridiculed by the economists and the bankers and condemned by the international institutions of global manipulators, they keep themselves in the conspiracy of silence about human life, about the wickedness of artificial contraceptives and abortion to human life, and alas they become co-conspirators of the culture of death.They pretend to be ignorant and are seeking refuge in the chaotic political parties with their never-ending tumble of bickering, name-calling, innuendo and silly fighting, gimmicks that lead crazily to terrible violence, murder and assassinations, rather than proclaiming the truth and sacredness of human life.Murder among the politicians during election is a sign that they are pro-death, NOT PRO-LIFE! How can they protect innocent lives when they are already identified with the government position?If there are no real pro-life proposals for the survival of the innocents and the poor families, the election, is indeed, useless and the Filipino people will go nowhere but to a more bloody destiny and the unnamed horrors of death.The discussions and mutual blaming fights among the Filipino candidates on the problems of poverty,hunger, violence, crime, insurgency, debt are not enough and are even useless and go nowhere without CONFIRMING, RESPECTING, AND PROTECTING INNOCENT HUMAN LIVES and without addressing the real root-cause - the existing culture of death - the driving insidious culture of murder in the Philippines and in the whole world.The culture of death manifested in abortive population control programmes with huge funding from overseas sources is pestiferous, worthy of condemnation and unforgivable so that it calls for justice and vengeance from Heaven. And its most bitter fruit is the calamitous, heinous and widespread crime of destroying human life,killing the innocent in the countryside. Crime is the reflection of the culture of death. Innocent unborn children are mercilessly slaughtered by the savage abortive population control programmes in the name of modern family planning or the euphemistically called REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS/HEALTH PROGRAMMES.It is the abortive population control programmes that causes unnamed horrors, killing innocent Filipino children and leaving poor mothers helpless. The Philippines, under the Western-based inherited ravaging disease of the culture of death continues its programme for family planning, believed to be the solution to the problem of poverty, funded munificently by overseas agencies,that only waste their countries' money and resources for the sake of death of innocent lives. Population control was adroitly begun in the 1960's mostly introduced by foreigners and well accepted by Filipino officials and imposed to the population as a new modern social and economic doctrine. The idea of population control to solve poverty' has been very captivating to many Filipinos after for long years of embracing this philosophy or ideology, they result is calamitously the opposite with irreparable damages. Philippines has become hugely indebted to IMF-WB under which the conditions for foreign debts and aid are POPULATION CONTROL. Millions of innocent unborn Filipino children since the 1960's and up to the present chemical abortion have been mercilessly massacred by abortion.Millions of poor Filipino mothers in the countryside have been suffering of diseases and dying of side-effects. Mandatory vaccinations of poor mothers with tetanus toxoid and vaccination of children with vaccines using chemicals, virus and bacteria are causing terrible side-effects and death in the countrysides. Budget money is available for contraceptives, abortifacients, vaccinations,anti-biotics but nothing for nutritional programmes nor any family supplemental income to poor children and families groaning and moaning in poverty and disease in the countrysides, mostly in the villages.The Philippine situation is undeniably worse than ever. Immorality, crime, wickedness are rampant.Killing the innocent has become an ordinary lifestyle of the modern insanity of men and women living in immoralities. Being deceived by carnalistic and hedonistic life, they have no more fear of the Lord but rely on pleasures of the flesh. Contraceptives,abortifacients and immoral sexual gadgets,pornographic materials from Western countries,publications, movies, videos in tapes and vcd's and immoral programmes at the internet are flooding Philippines - deadliest to the young people, while government officials are making money and favourable to legalize abortion, same-sex marriage, divorce and euthanasia. The Philippines is in hell. We are withoutdirection. Conscience is dying. No more fear of sinand sadly no more fear of the Lord. The lord of theworld: the financiers, under the spirit of satan, aredevouring humanity so that the culture of death can envelope the whole world. And the sacrifice is thelife of the innocents.It is a silly action to vote for candidates who willonly be in the service of the anti-life agencies andinstitutions rather than in the servants of thepeople to protect of the innocents. Thesecandidates-politicians for government positions are incollusion, being directly and indirectlyco-conspirators of the culture of death. Politicalfigths continue while the anti-lifers are watching fortheir interests,then who have brought so much miseryand tragedy to human life in the Philippines and toall third world nations.THE RADICAL SOLUTION:It is imperative more than ever after the long and thecruelest years of misery and tragedy for human lifeand the millions of innocent unborn children victimsand the poor mothers suffering side-effects and deathwithout being given any compensation or assistance, it is imperative to bring about the pro-life policieswhich can break the gridlock for the survival of theinnocents. Filipinos are in the abyss of desperationaccompanied by a tremendous crisis of faith andmorality; it is imperative that be change that build a civilization of love of life and liberationfrom the brutality of the culture of death andbondage.We have repeatedly and updatedly diagnosed and clearlypointed out the distressing and mind-boggling cultureof death, the daily killing of innocent unbornchildren in the countryside. Abortion has taken sanity from the Filipino people.There is no any valid reason for artificial birthcontrol by the use of contraceptives andabortifacients. It is only for the mega-profits andinterest of the global/multinationalphamaceutical/drug companies. It is not mandated bythe Holy Bible nor by the Church. The only practiceallows is natural birth control of extreme situationswhere bearing a child is impossible. Birth control isagainst nature. Population growth is not a problem buta blessing from Heaven within Sacramental ofMarriage. There is no shortage of God's Providence toall the members of humanity. We are all God's childrenredeemed by Jesus Christ. What is in shortage or absence is of love, charity and justice. Those whoadvocate pro-choice policies and are actually forabortion are selfish, wicked and avariciou people whoshould be first eliminated from the face of the earth.So our only radical solution is to put into law thepro-life policies and legislation before it is toolate. We are in terrible battle, a combat fight forlife. After May 2007 Philippine election, we mustfinally end and terminate abortive population controlprogrammes in the country. It does no good butdamages. We must free ourselves from the control ofthe international agencies that only use their moneyfor death of our people. We must re-structure oureconomy in favour of life, and security for everyonefrom the cradle to the grave.It is the problem of faith, morality and philosophy,to restore back the culture of life, to remedy thedeteriorating and ravaging disease of the culture ofdeath in the Philippines. Filipino people must acceptthe truth of human life: that there can never be anyliberation from the bondage of death nor any justicetill the culture of death is broken down. This is theonly solution after this election if we want ourcountry to be liberated from the never-ending andcruelly-infuriating circumstances under the culture ofdeath and injustice.FOR URGENT PUBLIC AWARENESS AND EDUCATION:Filipino politicians, particularly at election time,have so many alibis, lies and excuses, for sayingnothing about human life, about the cruelty andinjustice committed against the millions of innocentsin the country. They have no desire to pursue to theseextremely life and death matters. But we, the Filipinovoters and electorate must be serious- minded aboutthe need of building up the culture of life. We haveto impose our pro-life agenda on the Filipinocandidates so that the politicians will know what theymust do when they are already in the governmentpositions. Real change for life will only come aboutwhen large numbers of Filipino people especially thesurviving victims and the marginalised families becomeaware of the terrible hecatomb of abortion, the thingsbehind the abortion industry, the wicked policy ofbirth control, the grand wastage of money againstlife, the defects of the systems. We must then startdemanding incessantly but peacefully with God's helpto bring back the Filipino culture of life. BY PRAYERSAND GOOD WORKS, we can topple down the evil system andthe culture of death.As we see, the international institutions that fundabortion and population control programmes alsocontrol the economy and the the life of the wholenation. Many poor nations are perpetually andexcruciatingly haemorrhaging under these life-killingsystems and policies and thus miseries to theirinhabitants particularly to the poor and to theinnocent.We must continue to cry out from the rooftop about thesacredness of human life and the infusion of soul atthe beginning of human life. We must continue our boldaction for the defence of life and our unceasingprayers to stop abortion in our country and in thewhole world, in America and in Europe. In it, we prayand hope to build a new civilization where justice andlove reigh side by side.THERE CAN BE NO PEACE AS LONG AS THE ABORTION INDUSTRYREIGNS IN THE WORLD! Eric V. Encina / Reynalda A. Encina Filipino Pro-life Activists
Activism Center For Life, Family & Justice
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite, Km2,
Brgy. Lawa-an, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz,
eric_encina@yahoo.com EMERGENCY PLEA FOR LIFE:Dear Pro-life Friends:Please help us restore Filipino culture of life in thePhilippines by your moral, prayer, material andfinancial support.Please send us any comments, reactions, suggestions,corrections for the effective mission for life in thePhilippines.eric_encina@yahoo.com P.S.The solution: The Philippine government and the peoplemust be united now to face up against abortion;instead of concealing it behind a conspiracy ofsilence and cooperation with international anti-lifeagencies. We extremely need a complete and radicaldeparture from the prevailing culture of death-aravaging disease of the First World nations which iscausing a global catastrophe to human life endangeringhundreds of millions of innocent unborn children inthe 21st century. Can we allow this to happen?What we need now is to be free from the slavery to theinternational anti-life agencies and policies. We mustobey God and His Commandments for life, family andjustice. We must promote pro-life economic policiesthat can give guaranteed security to the families andchildren, to the sick and to the disabled. We mustuphold the sacredness of human life and the dignity ofthe family. We must cherish the beauty of human life.We must thank God for the gift of human life, ofchildren as His blessings who will replace the ageingFilipino population. We must protect thge innocent,the weak, the least able and find the lost-especiallythe victims of population control programmes andabortion. Let us build a government where PRO-LIFEPOLICIES TAKE PRECEDENCE, aftter God, over all otherpolicies. Let us totally reject pro-death policies,philosophies and ideologies forever.But, be ready, the International funders, agencies andanti-life individuals dominated by the freemasonsadroitlu and systematically use every means to hidethe truth of the sacredness of human life, concealingthe scientifice evidence of the beginning of humanlife and totally ignoring the infusion of soul and itspresence in human life. That is in order to perpetuatetheir control of human life.The International/global/local pro-death agencies andtheir crooked funders and their economists,politicians, intellectual prostitutes, mediamen andreligious of some religious affiliations believe thatthe protection of life is not acceptable, it cannot bethe policy, as it is accused, blamed and condemned asthe root-cause of poverty and misery to the Filipinonation--that there will be overpopulation and manypoor families, that there will be more hunger andstarvation, and that the only sound policy isPRO-CHOICE - which is the euphemism for pro-abortion.Poverty is not caused by population growth, it iscaused by the anti-life economic system. There is noactual shortage of money and food in the world in thisage of plenty if only there were just, pro-life andsolidarity policy and love among peoples. Pro-choicersbelieve that the birth of more children is dangerousto the economy. But truthfully the facts of historytell otherwise: it is only in the population growththat there is hope for humanity and more saints inHeaven; that love is stronger than populationcontrol(restrictions on birth) where selfishness,avarice and greediness are rampant and insatiable. Itis the divine will of Our Loving Creator to multiply,and that is a divine mandate that no one shouldinterfere nor we should encroach upon lest we becomeenemies of God.Please send your comments to the given name and address above.

Thank you very much and God bless your pro-life/family stance!

Eric V. Encina
Filipino Pro-life/Family/Justice Activist
Activism Center For Life, Family & Justice
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite,
Km2. Brgy. Lawa-n, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz Province,
reynalda_life@yahoo.com my wife’s email
New Email: eric.encina8@gmail.com

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