Monday, June 7, 2010

Activism Center For Life, Family & Justice Mission - Philippines


(Catholic/Albeit Inter-faith; Non-governmental; Non-profit; Non-party)

Eric Verzo Encina, Founder-Director

Filipino Pro-life/family/justice Activist

Dear Sir/Madam and Pro-life/Family Friends:


We would like to take this great opportunity to write you personally and to your organization for the survival and improvement of our pro-life/family/justice mission in the region here in the Philippines . We need help. Our pro-life mission must survive for the unborn children and the poor mothers victimized by the ravaging disease of the so-called civilized western world which has been imported and imposed down here and brainwashed into acceptance by the Filipino people.

We have been in the very difficult situation in the Philippines in the savage cruelty of dreadful poverty, haemorrhaging financial-economic, political crisis, violence, insurgencies, plagued down by the munificently well-funded POPULATION CONTROL PROGRAMMES that mercilessly, heartlessly, consciencelessly murder the innocents and perpetuate terrible sufferings to the poor Filipino families in the region and in the countrysides. Aside from the huge funding provided by other international agencies, UNPFA has around US $ 30 Million for 5 years for population control programmes in the Philippines in the name of reproductive rights/health or modern family planning methods which are nothing but adroit code words for abortion and surreptitiously by the use of euphemism of choice in collusion with USAID funding (with due respect to pro-life US President George W. Bush) semi-private Abortion Mill named WELL-FAMILY CLINIC branches all over the Phillipines. Like many countries where abortion is done legally and illegally, hundreds of thousands (300,000 to 500,000 induced abortions occur annually in the Philippines despite of its illegal status.

If we want peace, protect the unborn children, family life and reach out the poor!

And because of the massive inflow of chemical abortifacients like injectable Depo-Provera as claimed to be only contraceptives and other abortion methods like herbal and massage methods, etc., millions of unborn fetus and the poor mothers are victimized by abortion in the whole Philippines . About 80,000 to 160,000 Filipino women end up in the hospitals due to complications and side-effects. Many others die without even reaching the hospitals. Abortion then becomes a class issue, especially when it is illegal. Rich and middle class Filipino women can opt to go to hospitals or even abroad (USA/UK/Germany/Japan) for claimed to be safe and discreet procedures. Filipino women/mothers who are in the villages in poverty pressured by Philippine Dept. of Health and UNPFA/UNICEF, et. al, who do not have the information and resources, however, have been deceived to risk their lives and limbs in abortion methods performed by the local health workers like Depo-Provera injections and performed by abortionist-quack doctors and by money-making professional doctors or untrained and/or ill-equipped abortion providers.

It was in 1960’s when massive population control began in the Philippines . Many government officials, economists, politicians, environmentalists, some activists and reformers have embraced without qualms the population control ideology and philosophy, and have embraced imposed belief that Philippine population growth (Philippine birth rate is fastly declining – the problem of replacement of the ageing population is true) is the root-cause of poverty – which is a nightmare of a great lie. And because of massive propaganda, alas, millions of Filipinos are deceived into believing that population control through artificial contraceptives, abortifacients and legalized abortion, same-sex marriage, divorce and even euthanasia could be the solutions to poverty. This is terrible. The Lord does not say abortion is the solution to poverty. Even if we will kill all the poor peoples and kill all born and unborn children, we cannot, for certain, cure poverty. Poverty remains because of sins and monetary poverty remains as long as the system of economy and of money is unjust and unfair.

That’s why sine 1960’s, the Philippine government until now has been under the imposed population control policies of the rich-nations, economically and financially under the tutelage and supervision of the IMF and WB-where Philippines is enormously indebted along with other bilateral financial institutions of the same policies, with the total debt of close to US$200 Billion with the interest payment of US$7-10 Billion annually or US$1 Million daily as the first major priority of the Philippine Government and as automatic appropriation at the terrible cost of human life and of the innocents, the poor and the needy in the countrysides in unnamed horrors of poverty and death. Philippines has more than 40 Million people under poverty line, increasing in numbers because of financial-economic injustice. Of course ABORTION ALSO A FACTOR OF INCREASING POVERTY. We have computed that since 1968, Philippine government has paid under pressures more than US$160 Billion of interest alone from the IMF original loan of US$8 Million and original loan of US$700 Million in 1968 and now skyrocketing daily in debts and interest. And they believe, economy could be improved through pro-debt and pro-death policies where legalizations of abortion, same-sex marriage, divorce and even euthanasia are finally done. For many years, legalization of abortion has been debated and in fact attempted but thanks to God and to overseas pro-lifers’ assistance, it is not realized. But abortion is going on here whether it is legal or illegal. And it is very cunning because the use of chemicals to do abortion and administration of vaccines are now some of the tools to abortion industry in the Philippines . By vaccinations to poor mothers and children, they become infertile and impotent to bear children.

Abortion continues to devour Filipino people/families by different methods with the helpless victims of innocent lives and the poor mothers. THEY NEED HELP. WE NEED HELP TO SAVE THEM. Abortion goes on as long as the culture of death is sustained and promoted by those influential individuals agencies, groups and funders and their cohorts in the government and in the United Nations. Precious lives of the unborn are still wasted. Money is still used for death while millions of Filipino children and families are in the most pitiful pit of dreadful poverty, diseases, calamities, unemployments, insecurities and bloody insurgencies. On the records, in 1998 for example, the total aid fund given to the third world nations for ‘development’ and claimed to be for the poor but with anti-life or with population control conditionalities was around US$30 Billion but did not feed down to the poor and the needy. This money was lodged for the pockets of third world government officials including Philippines and for MASSIVE POPULATION CONTROL PROGRAMMES. And painfully, cruelly and ironically, on the same year of 1998, these heavily-indebted-poor-nation-governments PAID BACK US$250 Billion of interest to US$2.2 TRILLION Third world debt (now the total Third world debt is close to US$7 Trillion with US$400 Billion interest annually) to both so called multinational lending institutions led by IMF & WB and of foreign bilateral creditors. The aid which is not fed down to the poor in the third world is nothing but a leaf from the vine and is therefore a crazy administration of the financial system.

What is the logic of population control programmes? They said ‘over-population’, but it is a great lie. They said lack of food, it is a lie. They said economic problem but economic problem is not because of population growth. And those intellectuals in the government and in the United Nations must open their eyes that the VERY ROOT-CAUSE OF POVERTY IS THE CONTROL OF MONEY by the international bankers, second, by the defective money system, dirty politics, our greed and avarice and our lack of charity and solidarity to the poor. We do not fulfill the commandments of God and of the Social Doctrines of the Church.

For 10 years, I have been struggling in pro-life/family mission with changing par-time and full-time assistants, passing though so many difficult situations and dangers in poverty and terrible illnesses. For the last 2 years I have been systematically ill suffering partially-disabling M.E. –CFS/FM disease with occasional complications. Since 2002 I have been under therapies but still unfinished and incomplete due to our very serious financial problems. Until now I am still indebted to the hospital where I was confined for 3 days at seemed to be in the pangs of death. I have been wrestling tremendous health crisis since the past months until now because of on and off relapse but I try to do the mission for life/family/justice. My children have been also suffering illnesses one after another from time to time. My son STEPHEN PAUL, 3 yrs. old has been suffering from LYMPHTIC NODE CYST/tumor at his lower neck and been under oral therapies, and being observed for surgical operation this year, supposed to be earlier this year but we do not know go yet to proceed because we have no PERSONAL FUNDING FOR THIS CHILD. He got so many vaccinations in the 2000-2001 and we suspect that his illness is actually the side-effects of this medical insanity-which is also life-destroying and killing. WE NEED EMERGENCY US$1,000 more or less for his operation and we are puzzled, shackled, tormented where to get this amount within Philippines . My wife and I are afraid. And because of the chronic shortage of money for life, actually for life-sustenance and survival, we do not know what must be the best thing to do right now. There are so many children here suffering similar diseases, in fact with increasing autoimmune/degenerative diseases without any aid from the government. We suspect all these diseases are effects of modern medical insanity such as those contraceptives, abortifacients, vaccinations and antibiotics. NO ANY NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE TO THE POOR CHILDREN TO AVOID DISEASES.

We have been fighting against multi-million $ UNPFA and USAID pro-choice/reproductive right/health/abortion policies in 3 provinces. We have no strong support base in the region nor any assistance from Philippine based pro-life groups. Many people mostly Christians and Catholics are becoming mindless, heartless, and no longer interested to pro-life but shifting their belief to pro-choice policies. Our friends and relatives are also becoming pro-choice and others would like to help but financially very poor, also suffering diseases. Many businessmen are pro-choice whilst others would like to help, are bankrupt. Some good Catholics would like to help but stricken by unemployment as one of the major problems in the region, and plagued down by poverty, hunger and indebtedness.

WE NEED YOUR HELP TO HELP US STAY ON THE FIGHT FOR LIFE. It is really difficult to do pro-life without funding and secure support base. We have to do pro-life to save the unborn here. We cannot rely foreign pro-lifers to do pro-life work here for the unborn. Foreign pro-lifers have their own domestic concerns to their countries. Our point is that since foreign pro-lifers cannot directly help to save unborn children here, they can help FINANCIALLY to do so. And this is the time as we have no time to waste when pro-choice and pro-death in their culture of death have no time to waste to expand the virus of death in the whole world.

We have been questioning to why there is plenty of money for population control but no any money or nutritional programmes for the poor children and families in poverty in the countrysides. For many years we have been also advocating pro-life basic/supplementary basic income to every Filipino family to help families take care their children in their needs and not to do abortion. We wrote articles and proposals but we were smugly ignored by the government officials and unsupported by the religious or Church officials. And therefore still in fiasco.

Despite of mandatory vaccinations as claimed to be to eradicate diseases, millions of children are stricken with diseases-difficult to cure. There are 22 MILLION Filipino TB sufferers despite of mandatory BcG vaccination to millions of children annually. Diseases like malnutrition are rampant and seemed to be ordinary situations but in fact disabling, killing the poor and the marginalized children and families in the squatter, shanty areas in the countrysides. The Phil. Dept. of Health in our province through the representative-employee said our place is unsanitary, unfit for residential place but this department does not do anything to make poor families and children better except as they believe as good by wasteful, imprudent vaccinations, contraceptives, abortifacients and antibiotics with tremendous side-effects and untimely and unnecessary death.

Since 1995, we have been desperately appealing for major much-needed pro-life funds for our long-standing projects as you see in the enclosed copies. We were rejected by almost 100 overseas based agencies, organizations and individuals since then, except with some small donations. We are always pressured to budget carefully any donation we receive to keep us going. But it is very difficult in front of so many needs from time to time.

And at this time we are writing to you for possible one-time-off pro-life aid in the amount of US$200 to US$500 for us to raise US$5,000 to US$10,000 more or less for our pro-life projects for the victims of abortion in the region. WE ARE DESPERATELY ASKING FOR HELP TODAY. We are knocking at your door. Please consider to help us today.

We are the victims of child hard labor and many sorts of abuses in 1975 and 1980’s. My family members and I, my wife and her families are poverty survivors. We want to be liberated from poverty but we REFUSED to succumb or bow down to anti-life economic policies imposed by the IMF/WB/UNPFA/WHO/IPPF policies but pro-life economic policies respecting the life of the innocents, protecting the sacredness of human life, defending the dignity of the family life and providing economic security to the poor by way of family subsidy or supplementary basic income to every individual and or family from the cradle to the grave rather than hugely wasting money for immoral/unnatural/life-destroying-killing population control programmes and never-ending payment of interest to anti-life IMF-WB.

We are sorry to mention all these things including our personal situation that affect us in our mission and survival. We hope these might not infuriate you. We know our countries are both suffering from the cruelty of the culture of death. But we hope more prayers, charity and solidarity for the sake of the unborn children who are being mercilessly murdered in the wombs of the mothers all over the world.

We hope many citizens in USA , UK , EU, Middle East and in Asia are waking up against the threat of the culture of death. We hope PRO-LIFERS in your country will keep going, vigilant, devoted and committed to save the unborn children from the hecatomb of abortion. Children are beautiful, the gifts of God to many nations, created in the image and likeness of God. Children are a wealth of many nations and of the world, important assets of the nations, future co-contributors of the world’s progress provided there is obedience to God in the matter of faith and morals. Unborn/born children are a replacement of the ageing populations. We know that American, British European, Israelite, Asian, African parents, etc. are traditionally responsible parents and citizens for life and family but only deceived and hijacked by the massive preponderance of anti-life/family ideologies, philosophies of their own peoples and of the global manipulators of the present modern civilization.

St. Barnabas taugh: “YOU SHALL NOT ABORT THE UNBORN CHILDREN IN ORDER TO AVOID THE DUTIES OF PARENTHOOD NOR MURDER INFANTS BUT REJOICE IN EVERY CHILD AS A GIFT FROM GOD.” Abortion certainly kills or murders the best children in the world. All children have the heavenly rights to be born and to live with all the protection and right to all God-given material wealth of the earth. Children are a gift of God sent to the world, who might cure the world problems as we continue to struggle for survival, for sanctification and salvation. Children are a reservoir of the new forthcoming civilization, to abort them is a great disaster. Abortion is to encroach the divine plan of God to humanity and to the next life. Culture of abortion is indeed a ravaging disease in the so-called civilized western world infecting the third-fourth world nations. Pro-lifers must survive for life and must be saved from the virus of this disease. Pro-lifers in your country must keep the Faith and do every endeavor to STOP ABORTION. THE CULTURE OF DEATH SHOULD CONSTANTLY BE REJECTED IN UTTER ABHORRENCE. If not, this satanic culture of murder of the innocent children will ultimately devour the whole major world’s civilizations, expanding to the ends of the earth. RESIST IT NOW AND BUILD UP THE CULTURE OF LIFE IN YOUR COUNTRY AND PLEASE HELP THE POOR NATIONS NOW UNDER THE MASSIVE THREATS OF DEATH.


We hope for our continued pro-life correspondence in the future for the sake of the unborn children.

Remain us united in our prayers and commitment for life, family and justice for the unborn and for building up a new real civilization of love! Long live and God bless you all!

Sincerely, gratefully and devotedly yours in the Lord of Life for the defence of human life and family.

Eric V. Encina
Filipino Pro-life/Family/Justice Activist
Activism Center For Life, Family & Justice
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite,
Km2. Brgy. Lawa-n, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz Province,
Philippines my wife’s email
New Email:

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