Mammon's Debt Finance And Anti-Life Structures
By Eric V. Encina
Mammon's Debt finance with anti-life structures is the major culprit that has already reached to Full Spectrum Dominance in the world today chaining and enslaving billions of people across the planet that is life-soul-destroying. In the Philippines alone, more than 10 million Filipino children of poor families are suffering malnutrition and hunger every year and the blame must be givine to present financial-economic system that is based on debt with anti-life structures and policies. And of course, the worse of all, the senseless and the wicked killings of the innocent unborn children primarilly due to this system that is already sinking us to hell.
Christian methods of distribution of wealth for life-saving through God's commands, has become nearly impossible under the present anti-life system.
The present civilization is seemed to be in the darkness, notably the culture of death, when God is denied, conscience is banished from the public , political and economic life, and ironically, financial-economic power has become predominantly absolute because of the power of Mammon- the devil of money, over humanity that targets the innocents and the poor for extinction.
The Pro-life principles other than Christian justice and charity can help liberate humanity from the negative influences of the Mammon-the devil of money.
We have all the histories of crimes against humanity, against human life, against truths, against justice, even against God and His Commandments. Our civlization has been soaked in crimes and we need reparations and repentance with complete submission to God.
With our fervent prayers, we hope that the next chapters of history will become the bearer of hope and inspirations for the new civilization of love, and the inevitable or unexpected or planned or unplanned march of bright future and progress of humanity into ever secured and greater happiness and harmony with unity in diversity for all of us. This is yet to be realized in the possible immediate future of the 21st century for the triumph of truth, life and justice. If not , we will be on the way to perishment and further doomed to darkness?
Because of Mammon's influences, most peoples or families in great and pitiful difficulties in monotonous situations of poverty are pressurized to giving in to pragmatic and practical compromise particularly beggarism, pauperism and mendicancy as the last option or recourse even it is inimical to their dignity and morality. Otherwise, if not, body or soul can be sold to obtain money for survival, not for the sake of money itself, per se.
The Mammon's offshoots - the IMF and WB even they know their heinous economic crimes against the innocents and humanity a whole by their anti-life/family/anti-poor-policies and their subtle and perpetual control of money artificially and adroitly, and yet they WILL NEVER SAY “sorry” and will never make any reparatory measures nor pay any moral and economic damages they have inflicted upon the third world inhabitants and the attendant evils of murdering the innocent children in compliance to payments of interest of the country's huge foreign debts.
Another ironic fact is that Mammon has the consistent plot to liquidate and discourage any pro-life based policy, that is, the implementation of a Pro-life Based Economy that will life-saving extra income to every poor family and chidlren. This is very subtle and since billions of people across the planet are controlled by the power of Mammon towards death, not life. And of course, it is on the the present anti-life system that the salvation of souls is at stake.
It is very clear, so sad to say, that fighting for life and justice for the innocents under the darkness of Mammon and its extremely anti-life polcies is like a boxer with one arm tied up his back, and or at worse, both hands are tied up to prevent punching to victory.
At the Philippine Congress and Senate offices, most policies are favourable to anti-life measures than pro-life measures. Most budget finance is intended to focus and for the implementation of anti-life measures in compliance with the new world order.
Most foreign embassies are in unison voice in favor for the culture of death than pro-life.
Most foreign diplomats and government both resident and visiting officials speak in favour to pro-choice philosophy or policy or literally in favour of drastic population control programmes and discriminatory to the sacredness of human life.
Even the media men, writers and book authors, professors, teachers, academicians, and in different field of studies are mostly in favour of population control and who are very closed to say that abortion is a solution as a personal decision of a person.
Our civilization is entrenched in a terrible moral, spiritual dungeon of corruptions that is now very much against God, His commandments and to sacredness of human life.
Please, pro-lifers, let us continue to keep going to proclaim the Gospel of Life.
I welcome comments from pro-lifers.
Eric V. Encina
Filipino Pro-life/Family/Justice Activist
Activism Center For Life, Family & Justice
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite,
Km2. Brgy. Lawa-n, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz Province,
Philippines my wife’s email
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