Monday, June 7, 2010

The newlyborn babies saved from abortion in the Philippines

Filipino Babies

By Eric V. Encina

The newly born babies in the Philippines saved from abortion. They are now saved from the hecatomb of abortion but the question what is their future under the anti-life financial-economic system and policies, nasty-muddy money-poisoned politics and media-protected international imperialism of the population control hegemony of the culture of death?

Can these children survive and their families from the man-made evil-backed up tribulations?

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Since 1991 when I started pro-life/family campaigns in the Philippines, I have been aware that under anti-life debt finance disaster capitalism, abortion, which is sometimes called in different names like reproductive health bill or rights , and is one of the policy-effects and conditions of the lenders, the creditors-the IMF, WB and those foreign bankers to highly-indebted-addicted Philippine Government that governmnet is succumbed to be pressured and compromised. However, it is my strong belief that under sane pro-life based economic policy, there would be no need of abortion. And abortion is not needed forever.

Why kill the innocent unborn children when children when they are born are future co-contributors of the country's improvement and development?

Children are a gift of God, and indeed a wealth of the nation however depending upon what kind of education we have in a nation. But destructive education that we have now which is brainwashing and anti-life, we make the children as assisting the destruction of the nation and killing our own civilization.

They become auto-enemies of their own nation and peoples when they become brainwashed by those "powers-that-be" who are only interested to profits and power at the deaths of the innocents.

Usury is evil- no doubt but since the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines is a co-owner of the private-commercial banking institutions in the country, "usury" or interest charge more than what been lent and at times excessive or leading to ULTRA-USURIOUS inevitable arrangements is unfortunately considered even by many FILIPINO CATHOLICS as a "necessary and unavoidable evil in business".

Because of usury, there are women who do abortion because they are financially bereft of help.

Pope Benedict the XVI is correct and I highly appreciate His Holiness writings against usury but the subjects or the peoples do not conform to the truths.

WE CAN'T HEAR ANY BISHOPS OR PRIESTS PREACHING AGAINST USURY just like on the issues of abortion or contraception IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCHES IN MY PROVINCE AND I BELIEVE ALL OVER THE COUNTRY WITH VERY VERY EXCEPTION, ONCE-IN-A-BLUE-MOON-SERMON! And this is unfortunate and that is why usury problem continues to cause ravages just as the anti-life financial-economic system continues to plunder the whole nation and peoples all over the world.

For many years of my 19 years of pro-life mission, I have attempted many times to visit the Catholic Filipino Bishops and I met some of them but to be honest, I am at times embarrassed because my proposals to help the poor families and children are tacitly ignored or taken for granted.

They can use some theological shifts that I would be diverted into while leaving away the central issues I am discussing with them.

I also sent them letters , to bishops and priests but all are unanswered.

SOMETIMES, WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, THEOLOGIANS ARE DANGEROUS. The only safe persons to talk too or with are those who understand the situation of the poor and of the innocents.

But I will continue to find way to visit and talk with them on the subject of life, family and justice.

USURY AND ABORTION are the after effects of the anti-life debt finance disaster capitalism.

Birth control has become a pragmatic and common sense of couples when they can't be able to raise children. The problem is: The birth control method is leading to abortion. Contraception is the only way to abortion. It's a prerequisite.

We're still in the summer drought-heat here and things just the same for 80% of peoples in drought-heat-poverty-stricken in the province and all over the country under anti-life financial economic system.

Poverty is maintained by those in power to control the poor while money is made available for population control programs.

Lastly, I can see No any hope for May 2010 Philippine National Election in the country. Everything is deliberately rigged from top to bottom for the benefit of the powerful few to eliminate the poor and the innocents.

The next Philippine President will surely borrow more money at interest (usury-based loan) to IMF and WB with the POPULATION CONTROL CONDITION AND LEGALIZATION OF ABORTION.

One more step, the country is already sold out to mega-financiers without any conscience to humanity and to innocent children.

There's a report that there would be deliberate and adroit plan to cause any "failure of election" to retain the power of the incumbent Philippine President.

"Usury does not mean high interest. It means any interest, how-ever low, demanded for an unproductive loan. It is not only immoral but it is ultimately destructive of society targeting the innocents and the poor.
-- Hilaire Belloc

I seem to agree with Hilaire Belloc.

Anto-life Debt finance + usury = Debt Bondage and Slavery and Death of the innocents.

Eric V. Encina
Filipino Pro-life/Family/Justice Activist
Activism Center For Life, Family & Justice
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite,
Km2. Brgy. Lawa-n, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz Province,
Philippines my wife’s email
New Email:

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