Wednesday, July 4, 2007



Eric V. Encina

JUSTICE FOR ALL! JUSTICE BE DONE, THOUGH THE HEAVENS FALL! AMERICAN TAXES WASTED FOR WAR AND MILITARISM, FOR THE CULTURE OF DEATH IN THE PHILIPPINES AND IN THE REST OF THE THIRD WORLD NATIONS THROUGH USAID PROGRAMMES AS PART OF THE US FOREIGN ECONOMIC POLICIES OF THE WASHINGTON CONSENSUS -IMF & WB AT COST OF THE AMERICAN CITIZENS. In the past few years, USAID has provided in dispensing its fund from American taxpayers money for wild abortifacient-based population control programs in the Philippines under the term of US-Philippine Cooperative Agreement No. 492-0480-00-5059-00 facilitated by the Philippine Department of Health and Philippine Population Commission for multi-million dollars fund for the establishment and operation of WELL-FAMILY CLINIC ABORTION MILL-BRANCHES in most provinces all over the Philippines by munificently supplying dangerous pills, condoms, procuring bilateral tubal ligation and vasectomy and massive Depo-Provera injections and vaccinations to children with their expert population control, family planning, reproductive right/health counselors and vaccine fanatics - medically, adroitly and technically misleading, deceiving, misdirecting and fooling poor pregnant women/mothers, families and children. Since then tremendous side-effects and damages to poor Filipino indigenous/native women, mothers, children and families have come to surface but vehemently and stubbornly denied by the authorities as a part of their cover up and conspiracy to the system - being the lackeys and protectors. It is indeed woeful that despite of Pres. Bush announcement after his triumph in the last American election that US Government would cease to use USAID fund for population control in the third world, but, alas, has been turned out to be a lie. It is my apology to His Excellency, to American President and to all American people but although I believe the sincerity of Pres. Bush and much more better than Presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry on the matters of human life, family and justice but those in-charge of dispensing USAID FUNDS and those behind are more becoming sophisticated and cunning in the implementation of anti-life programs in the Philippines and in the third world countries as stated in the US Security Study Memorandum 200 that third world nations including Philippines should not grow in population because they (we) will become a threat (insane imagination) to the national security of the first world countries.

WELL-FAMILY CLINIC ABORTION AND VACCINATION MILL-BRANCHES ARE MAKING MONEY TOO ALL OVER THE PHILIPPINES BY CHARGING THE POOR WOMEN/FAMILIES/CHILDREN FOR HEALTH CONSULTATION AND SERVICES IN ADDITION TO USAID FUNDING. There are many cases of chemically-induced abortion at the USAID-backed up Well-Family Clinic branches in the countryside and children suffering side-effects of vaccinations. Those in charge doctors, midwives, medical assistants and nursing aides are just discarding fetus in the rubbish-disposal cans (as only believed to be blob of tissues, not yet human beings) well-wrapped so that no one will ever see and thus escape the eye of the Church and the pro-lifers. By Depo-Provera injection to pregnant mothers, they procure ABORTION. They murder the innocent unborn children for money and for the fulfillment of the culture of death. They dismiss the humanity and personhood of the fetus and thus ignore the biological, medical, scientific, legal, cultural, social, economic and emotional evidences. At USAID-backed up Well-Family Clinic Abortion Mill, the facts of proving the humanity of the fetus or the beginning of human life are smugly ignored if not totally rejected.
In the year 2002, USAID from American taxpayers' money through USAID, Well-Family Clinic Manila-based national office has paid US$160,000 (P8,000,000) to Philippine-based ABS-CBN T.V. Company for Well-Family Clinic population control program advertisements. Media communications are a bunch of intellectual prostitutes as accomplices to culture of death in the country and in the world.
Yes, USAID is an aid, but really for waste, being misused and abused and for poisoning the Filipino people. USAID has no any form of reliable and credible nutritional program for the poor Filipino families and children in the country and in the third world nations. These are some of the evidences that USAID is only wasting the hard-earned-sweat-money of the generally misled American taxpayers. Money has become a muck for wastage, for killing the innocent unborn children by abortifacients, by causing side-effects to poor women by pills, contraceptives that really lead to degenerative diseases and death and by damaging and killing born children through mandatory vaccinations and for promoting immoralities, corruptions and wickedness in the land.


U.S. IRS taxation system is not a divine law nor valid as a natural law. It is a civil or legalized system but not considered as morally right and under the present system and wastage of money it is not justifiable when the US economic system is based on debt-and-death-based principles. Paying taxes is good under the righteous system if there is absence of corruptions and wastage of money but paying taxes under the evil system is tantamount to condone the evil system that finances wasteful war and militarism, culture of death, medical mafia and health scams in the Philippines and in the third world and continue to feed the every-greedy men at the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve System dominated by the freemasons as some of the most corrupt institutions in USA. Do you think you will go to Hell if you will fail to pay taxes? Under the present taxation system that finances abortion industry and life-damaging-killing vaccinations racket or scam in the world, one has the right or must evade taxation. Taxation is against life, family, justice, health, peace, freedom and security. As a matter of fact, failure to pay taxes under the present evil system of finance and wastage of money will earn merit to Heaven because: 'WE MUST OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN". (Acts. 5:29) Hence, Pope Leo XIII declared boldly: "AND THERE IS NO REASON WHY THOSE WHO OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN SHOULD BE ACCUSED OR REFUSING OBEDIENCE; FOR IF THE WILL OF THE RULER (Government system of taxation) IS OPPOSED TO THE WILL AND LAWS OF GOD, THESE RULERS EXCEED THE BOUNDS OF THEIR OWN POWER AND PERVERT JUSTICE, NOR THEIR AUTHORITY THEN BE VALID, WHICH, WHEN THERE IS NO JUSTICE, IS NULL".

Americans must be humble to accept the truth that taxes are a legalized robbery, in wasting money to finance culture of death and vaccinations and other induced corruptions in the country and in the third world. Paying taxes is not an absolute duty. In fact this time we should not pay taxes because tax money is used progressively and adroitly for the advancement of the works (population control and vaccination programs) of the Anti-Christ. Americans pay taxes from their hard-earned-sweat-money but the US government is still wasting it such as dispensing and financial global population control programs through USAID and mostly in time of Pres. Clinton - through UNPFA. In 1996-97, the US House under Clinton Administration approved US$385 MILLION and used this large amount of money for years to supported organizations that still offer abortion and to support contraception programs in the third world nations. This huge amount of money came from American taxpayers-who have already been overburdened by taxation, debt and economic-financial problems and pressures, and this money was used during those years for satanic programs of life-soul-killing operation. This is one of the reasons why American taxpayers have been also excruciatingly suffering in terms of money problem in the paradox of the age of plenty.

What has also been so mind-boggling is that the US continues sending USAID to Communist China annually that barbarically murders the unborn children at the rate of 10 MILLION every year under the one-child communist policy. USAID seems to appear that it is still financing communism under the cover of financial capitalism in China. If the American political and economic policy-makers and think-tank experts believe that supporting Communist China and promoting population control programs in the third world can solve the problems of injustice and poverty, it is a dead wrong - an economic idiocy. USA must stop economic aid to Communist China and stop USAID that is only being used for population control and vaccination programs in the Philippines and in the third world nations as only the colossal wastage of American tax dollars.

Artificial population control and vaccination programs and abortion industry evidently contribute further to our POVERTY PROBLEMS. HUMAN LIFE CONTROL IS NOT THE SOLUTION. Very certain,THE SOLUTION IS MONETARY JUSTICE AND MONETARY Colossal amounts of money being used for massive population control and vaccination programs in the country are coming from USAID, from humanistic, marxistic, fabianistic, bankeristic, capitalistic, socialistic, and Masonic US Federal Reserve System, Council of Foreign Relations, Institute of Pacific Relations, United Nations Population Fund Activist or UNPFA, Trilateral Commissions, Merril Lynch, WHO, UNICEF, and from the western-based global super-rich mega-organizations munificently provide huge funding for abortion industry and vaccination programs in the third world nations. They are: League of Nations, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Centro d' Studies de Politicque, Institute Fur Auswarpige Politik, Builder-Baizer, Club of Rome, IMF, WB, Bildelberg Group of Companies and alliances, Rathenau and Rotschild Bankers and Rockefellers, ADB in Asia and now massively supported by millions of corporations out of 17 MILLION corporations in the whole world. All these, are financiers of communism in Russia's Communist-Capitalism form of government, in China's communist one-child policy form of government, and North Korea's military communist form of government. These are the financiers of the anti-life/family/poor campaigns and medical mafia and scams in the world trying to build their satanic civilization.

These are financially powerful. They have the control of all newspapers, radio and television stations, universities, institutions, governments even the compromised religious leaders and officials. They keep on watching over their businesses to control money and population. Population control, monetary control, health scams of anti-biotic and vaccinations, environmental destruction and chemical farming are the major causes of the savage cruelty of misery and death of the poor in this planet. Americans can help to stop these nefarious organizations, businesses, agencies, financial institutions and tycoons in their satanic activities, programs and projects by helping Filipino and third world activists for life, family and justice. By helping them to campaign against the waste of money for population control and vaccination programs in the Philippines and in the third world.

Pope John Paul II wrote in his "Letter to the Families": 'VARIOUS PROGRAMMES BACKED BY VERY POWERFUL RESOURCES NOWADAYS, SEEM TO AID AT THE BREAKDOWN OF THE FAMILY." NAFTA, EU, ECB, BIS, APEC, GATT, WTO, UN, IMF, WB, NATO ARE SOME OF THE GLOBAL AGENCIES WITH EXPERTISE IN DIFFERENT FIELDS OF MANIPULATING WORLD AFFAIRS THOUGH IN DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS AND YET TOWARDS ONE DIRECTION. They have one common objective to chemically curb and poison the world's poor populations as a requirement for one world money government under one world-satanic-religion of the world council of churches. Globalised plan of action will continue to allocate BILLIONS OF DOLLARS for the next 20 to 50 years for population control of abortion and vaccination programs but no any money allocated for nutritional programs and alternative medicines for the poor and needy families and children groaning, moaning and starving to death in the countryside of the third world heavily indebted nations. Hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes are being paid to US I.R.S. that should have been used to rebuild America and help third world allied nations through an economy based on truth, life, organic health, family, justice, peace and security for all.

In this present age quickly approaching the age of Divine Justice, the government, its system and policies, the American Government, Philippine Government and all governments in the world are the "seats" of the agents of the Anti-Christ. While the United Nations, International High Finance Capitalism or global mega-bankers, godless financiers, global vaccination fanatics, and anti-life/family/justice/poor organizations are the seats of the Anti-Christ. Some smoke of Satan and the agents of the anti-Christ have even entered inside the Church and fearfully about to take into the summit of the Church very soon. That's why all Christians and Catholics alike must pray, do penance and do holy works to uproot and root-out these evils destroying life and soul.

The church stands for Christ while the Government stands for the Anti-Christ. If the Americans truly stand for Christ and for His Church, Americans must reject the system and some businesses of the government. Americans must reject the present taxation system among other things for this kind of wastage against life and soul. Within the moral context or by moral principles, is it just and righteous to pay taxes that turned out to be using for wastage against life and health in the world, i.e. for the culture of death?

Why do you, Americans, bow down before IRS? Why do you allow ourselves to be robbed by IRS? It is now evidently the worse off ruination of the American businesses. It is a complete madness to pay taxes for the culture of death in the third world insidiously against 5th, 7th and 10th commandments of God.

Taxation exists because of the debt-based economic system. And taxation because of the American Federal total debts of nearly more or less US$15 Trillion will mercilessly skin alive the American people. IRS in collusion with the parasitic Federal Reserve System pressure and over tense the American people financially that lead to increases crime rates, abortion, diseases, painful recession to depression, unemployment, violence, extreme monetary and material poverty to millions of Americans, huge indebtedness of hundreds to millions of American families to the banking and financial institutions, excessive taxation and deadly inflationary economic situation. The nucleus of all evil evils stems from those who control the money and thus control life. The power of money lies on the ignorance of the people on monetary creation, function, use and operation against life.

Money is not forever. If American people can do good now to use their money for the welfare of the poor and the needy, for the innocent born - VICTIMIZED BY VACCINATIONS, and unborn children-MURDERED BY ABORTION, for justice and peace, for the supreme glorification of God, do it now, than paying taxes to IRS Federal Government that only goes to private bankers and finances population control and vaccination programs in the third world nations. Money will not be existing after the great events of the apocalypse. In the Victory of Christ the King and triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, money will no longer be required but only charity among the chosen holy men and women. Mamonistic peoples, selfish, greedy, avaricious, pro-abortion-murderers, pro-vaccinators, wicked, controllers of money shall be eliminated from the face of the earth through tribulations, chastisements, natural and man-made calamities, unnatural illnesses, war and other acts of Divine Justice.

Those who contribute (by tax money) to the culture of death and advancement of the works of the Anti-Christ as financial accessories and accomplices shall also be eliminated in the age of divine justice.

Eric V. Encina

Please send comments, correction, opinions, suggestions.

Thank you for life-saving.

Eric V. Encina
Filipino Pro-life/Family/Justice Activist
Activism Center For Life, Family & Justice
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite,
Km2. Brgy. Lawa-n, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz Province,
Philippines my wife’s email
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