Monday, June 7, 2010

The Brutal Truth of the Saddest Reality Against Life - by Eric V. Encina

THE MOST SUBTLE AND ARTIFICIAL CONTROL ON THE MONEY BY MAKING IT ADROITLY AND PERPETUALLY SCARCE FOR LIFE, FOR THE GOOD OF many who are tremendously suffering innocents and poor, and all miserable needy, and yet evidently and sumptuously available for the powerful few for obviously selfish and insatiable motives and for controlling the humanity, food, water and resources, and for life-soul-killing activities such as abortion industry, war and in using weapons of mass destruction for destroying human life, and for controlling humanity and killing of the innocents, albeit IN FRONT OF GLOBAL AGE OF PLENTY enough for all people by virtue of God's continuous merciful providence for all , IS ONE OF THE BRUTAL TRUTHS OF THE SADDEST REALITIES AGAINST LIFE IN THIS WORLD - UNDER HYDRA-HEADED ANTI-LIFE/ANTI-FAMILY/ANTI-POOR DEBT FINANCE AND USURY DISASTER CAPITALISM backed-up by money-poisoned and similar anti-life life politics and satanically-ingrained-proned media communications.

It seems that entire humanity is wallowing at 1% hope against 99.99% despair to billions of people across the planet in a daily basis caused by the present sinful/anti-life/family/anti-poor structures in the world?

(How) Can we survive the aftermath of the sinful culture of death, of the imperialism of racially-based population control programs, life-family-pressuring debt finance disaster capitalism that finances abortion industry, and partly-successively-intentional man-made, and natural disasters- floods, super-typhoons, earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts and destruction of human life habitats ~ now unmitigated?

We must repent of our sins before we all perish in the dungeon of eternal death.

It's all the final hour for all humanity to go back to God, to stop sinning, to stop our PRIDE, greed and avarice, selfishness and wickedness. Let us reverence to life. Doing God's divine and good charity and solidarity and, sacrificial and practical efforts with humility of heart imbued with God's love can save us from eternal death.

God is surely taking revenge to wicked humanity so long as we keep the sinful structures and cultures.

Sincerely and Gratefully yours in Christ for life and soul,

Eric V. Encina
Filipino Pro-life/Family/Justice Activist
Activism Center For Life, Family & Justice
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite, Km. 2, Brgy. Lawa-an,
PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines

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